Image of Micro Mosaics - CLASS

Micro Mosaics - CLASS

by Vicki Hanson-Burkhart

$165.00 / Coming Soon

Learn traditional Italian Micro mosaic techniques using strands of smalti, called filati, set vertically in a bed of putty in a custom dark or light species frame. Frame size: 3-1/4"

FLORAL: This class focuses on the hot trend, but centuries old craft of micro floral motifs using specially shaped leaves and petals. It is a freestyle type of micro mosaic.

REPRESENTATIONAL: This class focuses on reproducing a landscape or specific form using both linear and round filati. It involves working from a design.

This class is suitable for beginners or those who have learned Micro Mosaics and want to expand their skills.

Instructor: Vicki Hanson-Burkhart
Location: 325 Main Street, Pineville, NC 28134

Floral Micro - One Day Class: $165
Representational and Floral - Two Day Workshop: $295 Learn techniques to work in both floral shaped filati and how to create a work based on a detailed pattern using linear and round filati.
Includes all materials and tools required to make a piece as shown

Feb 7 and 8, 2015, 10am-4pm each day.